Why All Businesses Should Make the Switch to Solar

Why All Businesses Should Make the Switch to Solar


With the amount of sunshine our country receives, it won’t come as a surprise to learn that Australian businesses are leading the way in solar, with almost half of all large Australian businesses

utilising solar power in some capacity. As the local solar power company Toowoomba relies on for tailor-made solar panel systems for residential and commercial properties, Arctic Energy is here to help you make the switch. While many bigger businesses know and understand the benefits of solar panel installation, many smaller businesses often ask if it really is worth the investment. So, here we will look at just some of the benefits that solar power can bring to businesses of all sizes.

Solar Dramatically Reduces Electricity Costs

In business, it’s important to reduce overhead costs where you can. One major expense that you can reduce is your electricity costs. Electricity prices in Australia are amongst the world’s highest; In most cases, by installing a solar system on a commercial building, you will notice immediate savings on your power bill as you have reduced your business’ reliance on the grid. It is estimated that the average business can reduce their electrical cost by up to 70% – That starts immediately after installation and continues for the rest of the system’s life.

It Future-Proofs Your Business

It is predicted that the world will be less dependent on fossil fuel over the coming decades which means the price of electricity will keep on skyrocketing. Installing solar panels will combat the continued rise and volatility of grid electricity prices and ensure you make an investment in the future of your bottom line. With solar power, you benefit from lowering your electrical costs and protecting your company’s future!

Guaranteed ROI

Every big commercial investment should be made with potential ROI in mind. The good news is both businesses large and small can expect a positive ROI in a relatively short period of time with commercial solar panels. Toowoomba businesses may believe that the initial cost of solar power installation may seem high, however, in most cases even energy-hungry clients will completely cover the cost of installation within 3-5 years. A solar panel system is a smart commercial investment that guarantees a strong financial return for many years to come.

Solar Improves Your Public Image

Solar power systems show that your business is making a meaningful contribution to the global reduction of CO2 emissions. This means you can promote your business as been ‘green’ which is a strong marketing tools and makes you stand out for being socially responsible, environmentally aware, innovative, and focused on the future. Reducing your carbon footprint, a solar system can give your business an edge over competitors when responding to tenders, bidding for contracts or simply appealing to a new demographic of potential customers and clients.

Switch To Solar Today

If you’re still not convinced that solar energy is the way forward for your business, get in touch with our friendly team today by calling (07) 4633 1612. We will talk you through the process of converting to solar and provide a highly competitive quote for a customised solar solution for your business. As the local commercial solar installers, Toowoomba businesses can trust Arctic Energy for smarter, greener, and cheaper energy solutions. Get in touch with us online to learn more now.